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November 21, 2017 News

Twitter Chat: Fans Talk Homestead-Miami and Future NASCAR Stars

The final race of the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series at Homestead-Miami gave fans a lot to talk about. With the changing of the guard happening, we talked to fans about their favorite moments this year, surprising storylines from this season, and we had to ask which young driver will they root for next season. Below are links to our top Twitter questions this week and also a few responses. Every Monday, we will host a #NASCARTalk Twitter party at 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM EST. Join us for some NASCAR talk. Have something to say? We would love to hear from you! Join the conversation on our next Twitter chat and tweet us a comment.

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Question 1: What did you like/dislike about the @NASCAR race @HomesteadMiami? #NASCARTalk


Question 2: What was your favorite moment/race this season? #NASCARTalk


Question 3: Which was most surprising storyline? Danica crying, Truex Jr. win? How Kenseth raced at Homestead, how Brad raced, or other?


Question 4: @NASCARDaily has a serious question. Do you think the love for motorsports is a blessing or a curse? #NASCAR #IndyCar #F1 #NASCARTalk


Question 5: With the changing of the guard happening, which young driver will you root for next season? ##NASCARTalk


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