rene and tam nascar all turns no brakes

#AllTurnsNoBrakes With Tam & Rene & Front Row Kenny

tam nascar all turns no brakes


May 10, 2016 Tam + Rene + Front Row Kenny


Front row kenny

We call him “Front Row Kenny.” If you ask anyone who knows anything about Kenny, they will tell you he’s a walking encyclopedia of sports. His passion, dedication, and understanding of sports will make you wonder how one person retains so much information.  
In his young career, Kenny has published over 90 articles for a bevy of outlets including Motor Racing Network, NASCAR Home Tracks, the Prince George’s County Sentinel, and He has also been featured on ESPN’s Undefeated in an interview with former ESPN President John Skipper.
His career began as a sports writer at Tuskegee covering SIAC sports working for the Athletic department and as a sports correspondent for the Tuskegee Campus Digest. Upon graduating from Tuskegee in 2017, he was accepted to the NASCAR Diversity Internship Program as a Marketing Intern for The NASCAR Foundation. An avid NASCAR fan, Kenny turned his passion into a career when he joined the Motor Racing Network as an Associate Producer. As a special co-host of All Turns No Brakes, he adds his unique perspective and historical knowledge on motorsports.

For more information on Kenny, be sure to follow him on Twitter @FrontRowKenny.

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